classical symptomの例文
- These classical symptoms may not be present often in the elderly.
- The classical symptoms of the syndrome are spasmodic torticollis and dystonia.
- Some people have atypical presentations and may not have the classical symptoms.
- Genital herpes can be more difficult to diagnose than oral herpes, since most HSV-2-infected persons have no classical symptoms.
- Necrolytic migratory erythema ( NME ) is a classical symptom observed in patients with glucagonoma and is the presenting problem in 70 % of cases.
- The resultant high blood sugar produces the classical symptoms of polyuria ( frequent urination ), polydipsia ( increased thirst ) and polyphagia ( increased hunger ).
- Meningococcal septicaemia typically causes a purpuric rash, that does not lose its color when pressed with a glass ( " non-blanching " ) and does not cause the classical symptoms of meningitis.
- The classical symptoms are spasticity, spasms, other involuntary movements ( e . g ., facial gestures ), unsteady gait, problems with balance, and / or soft tissue findings consisting largely of decreased muscle mass.
- Birt, Hogg, and Dub?examined a family with a hereditary thyroid cancer and discovered that many of the members had fibrofolliculomas, trichodiscomas, and acrochordons, which became defined as the classical symptoms of the eponymous disease.
- In addition, the nature of the adverse events differed between the two antidepressants, with patients withdrawn from paroxetine showing the classical symptoms of dizziness, anxiety, and sleep disturbance ( insomnia and nightmares ), while those withdrawn from milnacipran showed only increased anxiety.
- Conversely, classical symptoms were missing from " N . ceranae ", such as diarrhea, crawling, large numbers of dead bees in the apiary, etc . Bees tend to die away from the apiary, which causes a reduction in food gathered and can eventually lead to colony collapse.
- For example, in the case of anthrax, it is likely that by 24 36 hours after an attack, some small percentage of individuals ( those with compromised immune system or who had received a large dose of the organism due to proximity to the release point ) will become ill with classical symptoms and signs ( including a virtually unique chest X-ray finding, often recognized by public health officials if they receive timely reports ).